SEO, SEM, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Google Adwords, & More
Xml Sitemaps
1. With this you can be sure that your web pages listed in Google reflect the most recent descriptions and content.
2. With this you can tell Google about ur various links on the site.
3. You can also tell about the new content on your site.
You can make XML Sitemap for your website yourself if you know XML Language and there are various online generators also available. All you have to do just insert your url and online generators will generate the XML Sitemap for you . Just copy that and upload the file with XML extension (
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Rss Feeds
With the help of RSS, information can easily be located.
It also helps Search Engines to know what is new in the site.
RSS is a great supplemental communication method.
RSS feeds are compiled according to the user's choices.
Various webmasters through out the web can easily share information through RSS Feeds.
If you want to make the RSS Feed yourself, you must have the knowledge of XML. But there is no need of that. There are various free "Online generators"of RSS Feeds available on internet.
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What "Google Analytics" Can Do For You:
To optimize a site is not a difficult task. Like to insert keywords and other Metas to your site is very simple and easy. But whats the use of that optimization through which you cant justify your progress. Google Analytics is the free service offered by Google through which you can easily make out how much traffic you are getting through your keywords and much more. There are various benefits of Google Analytics like it shows:
1. How much visits you have in a specified period of time.
2. How much traffic you are getting from Search Engines and how much direct traffic you are getting.
3. How many are new comers and returning visitors.
4. It also shows geo-graphical areas from where you are getting traffic.
5. It reveals which keywords are best for you like from which keywords you are getting maximum traffic and much more.
And to get that report is very simple……. Just go to Google Analytics, enter ur username and password and follow the instructions.
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Search Engine Optimization means SEO and Pay-Per-Click means PPC are the two parameters of Search Engine Marketing (SEM). Today is the world of Internet. Every activity from our daily lives goes with internet. Everyone wants to compete others. So it’s necessary, your site to be at #1 or at least at 1st page in various SERP for the specific keywords. Now the role of SEO and PPC comes in existence. They both are important for site ranking. There are various points of comparison in them which I am mentioning here under but only you have to decide which method is more beneficial for your site:
1. SEO provides the low cost traffic to your site but PPC costs you a lot.
2. SEO takes months to show up the results but PPC shows the result in less time.
3. PPC is the fastest way to get traffic for your site in comparison with SEO.
4. You have to pay huge amount to get high ranking in PPC but in SEO you don’t have to pay anything.
5. PPC is excellent if you are promoting your site for some specific reason like holiday promotions, special sales etc. but SEO is a long term process, it is less recommendable for these types of specific reasons.
6. SEO is the permanent or long lasting solution but PPC can helps till you have the capability to pay.
7. In SEO once you have reached the top position, you can stay there for long.
8.With SEO your site can cover or get high position in all search engines with same efforts but with PPC you can cover only 1 search engine, for another you have to pay more.
9. There is no guarantee of placement with SEO that when will your site get the top position but with PPC you can be sure of the ranking.
10.If your site is brand new then PPC is the best way to promote your site for specific keywords.
So with the above discussion you can easily make out which method is helpful for your site.
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Various Tips For PPC
There are various tips which should be kept in mind while doing PPC for your site which I am mentioning hereunder:
1. It’s not always good to be #1. Many people automatically click on the #1 result even if they have no interest in your product or services.
2. Be sure to include your keywords in title and description and content, as within the top 3 ranking slots, the best description gets the max. traffic.
3. Your keywords must be relevant to your content.
4. The keywords which are not relevant should be eliminated. Only choose your targeted keywords. Moreover purchase 10-20 keywords for the single site. Use highly targeted keywords not only general keywords.
5. Target your ads by location and language.
6. Always maintain a separate track for the traffic which you get from PPC ads.
7. Test and monitor your keywords or ads to get the best CTR.
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10 Major Benefits of PPC for your business
2.If you are promoting your site for some specific reason like holiday promotions, special sales, then PPC is the best options as you can purchase keywords for the specific time period.
3.In SEO you have to wait for sometime for your site to be ranked well but in PPC you don’t have to wait, you get your ranking instantly.
4.In PPC, ranking of your site is totally depends on your pocket, by time you will pay more your site will rank high.
5.You have an option to choose any keyword you like for your website in PPC.
6.Its very easy to achieve top ranking in PPC.
7.Its easy to purchase keywords.
8.You can be at top position for specific keywords for indefinite time.
9.I agree that you have to pay for some specific keywords you want to target but its not that expensive, if you get quality traffic in return then its good to pay small amount.
10.With PPC you not need to worry about the design of your site.
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Another Way To Boost Your Website Traffic : Pay- Per- Clicks
1. Overture: One of the important PPC Search Engine is “Overture” because of their extensive relationships they have in place with many of the major search engines like AltaVista, yahoo, and much more.
2. Google Ad words: Google Ad Words have fast become extremely important in the pay-per-click arena, with results being shown at search engines like Google, AOL Search, Ask Jeeves, and more.
3. Findwhat: This is another PPC Search Engine which is less expensive than Google and Overture of course. Findwhat gives results to many search engines including DOGPILE.
4. Look Smart: This is the PPC SE where you pay a flat $.l5 per click through. It provides results to MSN, and more.
There are many other PPC search engines also. But always remember it’s your duty to convert your visitors into your actual buyers. No PPC Search engine will make the sale for you; that is always determined by the strength of your ad copy. Your site must have the capability to convert your visitors into buyers, and the only way to do that is with strong ad copy that convinces them to take action.
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Why Paid Directories:
A directory offering paid inclusion in its database is often termed as a paid directory. Paid directories are very common these days. Almost all the directories offer you paid listing. There is another parameter also for directories called “Free Listing” which is totally free but there are many advantages of paid listing over free listing which are as follows:
1. The approval time is very fast of paid listing as compare to free listing.2. Most paid directories deliver high quality traffic.
3. It’s really helpful in increasing the page rank of the site.
4. Because these directories are less crowded than the free directories, there stands a good chance of being listed on a high PR page.
5. Paid listing is also long lasting.
6. With the small amount paid every year it gives usually high results.
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Yahoo and MSN V/S Google for Your Site Optimization
As we all know Google was the most important and popular search engine few years back but in the last year Google has found itself thrust in an unfamiliar position. Now it has to share market with Yahoo also and the rise of MSN Search has further evened out the search engine playing field. Now Google occupies only an estimated 35 to 40 percent of the search engine market share. With Yahoo and MSN taking over another 40 to 50 percent, webmasters have had to readjust and consider optimizing their websites Yahoo and MSN as well.
As every search engine gives a different level of importance to different factors, it pays not only to know which search engine is looking for what in your web pages, but to also know how to optimize your web pages so they rank as well as possible on different search engines such as Google, MSN, Yahoo and others.
As we all know Google has given primary importance to inbound quality links through various sources. So it is important to get as many quality links as you can for your site. The maximum no. of links you have for your site, higher your ranking will be in SERP. For this “Link Building” is the best solution. This is the method through which you can get maximum no. of links for your site.
But on the contrary Yahoo and MSN has given more importance to on-page optimization. That's not to say that they don't consider off-page factors; it's just that both MSN and Yahoo give far greater importance to on-page factors than does Google.
For getting higher ranking in Yahoo and MSN you have to work hard for on-page optimization like you have to work for the various metas like title, description, keywords etc.,content( H1 tag, H2 tag, bullets, italic, bold, underline etc.), and definitely internal linking of all pages, with in the site itself.
So, just optimize your site for all search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN and all) through both on-page and off-page factors. Both are important for your site.
The Importance of Sitemap for your site:
Importance of Sitemap for your site:Before writing on this topic, let me ask you one simple question……..Which page of your site you consider to be most important to you? Is it The Main Page? The Product Page? Order Now Page? Or may be any other …….. But many of us never consider our “Sitemap” to be most important. But it is true …… "Sitemap" is one of the most important pages that our site has.
Sitemaps, as the name implies, are just a map of your site - i.e. on one single page you show the structure of your site, its sections, the links between them, etc. The various benefits of Sitemap are as follows:
1. Sitemaps make navigating your site easier and having an updated sitemap on your site is good both for your users and for search engines.
2. If visitors are able to find information on your site quickly, they will surely come back.
3. Sitemaps are an important way of communication with search engines. It offers the opportunity to inform search engines immediately about any changes on your site.
4. Also you can invite search engines directly if you submit your sitemap page to various search engines, you need not to rely to various external links that will bring search engines to your site.
5. Sitemaps need not be just a series of links in a tabular form. You can also provide details for each section and sub-section through descriptive text.
The steps you need to perform in order to have a sitemap for your site are simple. First, you need to generate it, then you upload it to your site, and finally you notify Google about it. You can generate sitemap with your own coding or there are various Online Sitemap Generators are also available on internet these days. The last but not the least step is to notify Google about your sitemap.
So i think now you agree with me that Sitemap page is one of the most important pages that your website has. Isn't it...????
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Conversion Rate V/S Traffic of your website
Many webmasters today focus only on getting more traffic to their web sites. No doubt getting traffic is very important, but it is much more important to increase the conversion rate of your web site.
"Conversion Rate" means how many visitors of your site have been converted into your actual customers. The conversion rate of your web site is the ratio of sales to visitors to your web site. If your web site gets 1, 00,000 visitors per month and 10,000 of these visitors purchase something from your web site, and then your conversion rate is 10%. There are various online program also that tell you about your conversion rate ratio.
Now the major benefit of Conversion rate is like if you first increase your traffic and then with the help of that traffic if your conversion rate is increased then it will be less beneficial than you directly work on conversion rate to increase your sales…..Confused! Don’t Be….! Let me explain it to you with a very simple example like if in routine your customers are 100 and you sell a product to them that costs $50, now your actual income per month is $5000. Right…? Now you go for some techniques to increase your traffic and after that lets say your conversion rate is 1% (traffic=1000, customers=10). Now your actual income for the month will be $5500 ($5000 +$500). Now if you directly work for some techniques that increase your conversion rate to 3%. Now your actual income will be $6500 ($5000+$1500). Now it’s upon you what will u prefer $5500 per month or $6500 per month.
Last but not the least I would like to say is to just increase your “Conversion rate” rather than just work for the traffic of your website.
Thanks & Regards.Reasons: Why Google drops web sites from its index
The most common reason why web sites are removed from Google's index is that these web sites use shady tricks to get higher search engine rankings. Following is the list of dirty tricks used by different website owners to get high ranking:
1.Cloaking: Search engine cloaking is a technique used by webmasters to enable them to get an advantage over other websites. It works on the idea that a 'fake' page is delivered to the various search engine spiders and robots while the real page is delivered to real human visitors.
2.Doorway Pages: These are the pages setup specifically for search engines. Once the visitor reaches the page, they are then redirected to another website. These are also known as mirror pages.
3. Hidden Text: A "really hidden" file/folder is one that cannot be seen in Windows Explorer after enabling it to "show all files," and cannot be seen in MS-DOS after receiving a proper directory listing from root.
4.Under Construction Site: Last but not the least the reason why Google drops your site from its index is when the crawler comes to index your site, it is under construction. Now, if you use any other technique that's only for tricking search engines then you can be sure that your web site will be banned as soon as Google finds out. Don't try to cheat Google, it will backfire on you.
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Google “Sandbox” Theory:
5 Different Ways To Get High Quality Traffic For Your Website:
Google's Sitelinks : New Service from Google
3 Way linking process
How to write Content:
Google gives preference only to fresh or original content. Content writing requires special knowledge because writing content for your site is somewhat different from writing content in general. So take care of following points while writing content:
1. Always use live link in content’s body also. 2. Always provide informative content. 3. Focused on just one topic or closely related topics. 4. Always have proof for what you are writing. 5. Always check the spelling before submitting your content because a content with many spelling mistakes may be rejected by directories and if it is accepted and published, it will give very bad impression to your readers. 6. You can add other’s url like various tools (Hyperlinks) in your content to make your content more impressive and to provide helpful information to your readers. 7. Use html coding for live links (Hyperlinks).
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