SEO, SEM, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Google Adwords, & More
Xml Sitemaps
1. With this you can be sure that your web pages listed in Google reflect the most recent descriptions and content.
2. With this you can tell Google about ur various links on the site.
3. You can also tell about the new content on your site.
You can make XML Sitemap for your website yourself if you know XML Language and there are various online generators also available. All you have to do just insert your url and online generators will generate the XML Sitemap for you . Just copy that and upload the file with XML extension (
Thanks & Regards.
Rss Feeds
With the help of RSS, information can easily be located.
It also helps Search Engines to know what is new in the site.
RSS is a great supplemental communication method.
RSS feeds are compiled according to the user's choices.
Various webmasters through out the web can easily share information through RSS Feeds.
If you want to make the RSS Feed yourself, you must have the knowledge of XML. But there is no need of that. There are various free "Online generators"of RSS Feeds available on internet.
Thanks & Regards.
What "Google Analytics" Can Do For You:
To optimize a site is not a difficult task. Like to insert keywords and other Metas to your site is very simple and easy. But whats the use of that optimization through which you cant justify your progress. Google Analytics is the free service offered by Google through which you can easily make out how much traffic you are getting through your keywords and much more. There are various benefits of Google Analytics like it shows:
1. How much visits you have in a specified period of time.
2. How much traffic you are getting from Search Engines and how much direct traffic you are getting.
3. How many are new comers and returning visitors.
4. It also shows geo-graphical areas from where you are getting traffic.
5. It reveals which keywords are best for you like from which keywords you are getting maximum traffic and much more.
And to get that report is very simple……. Just go to Google Analytics, enter ur username and password and follow the instructions.
Thanks & Regards.